The conversation about the culture of Scania cuts across various aspects of the Scanian society, which include the recognition of the Scanians as free people.
The recognition of the Scanian flag as well as the coat of arms has helped in the giving the Scanians their identity and to make their culture an essential part of their lives.
The Scanians culture and art cuts across fields such as language, drawings, fashion, and architectural designs, among other factors in the society.

The Influence Of Trade On Culture
The Scanians have a great distinction from the other countries in Europe following their unique region and the dialect that has developed over time.
Despite the influence of Sweden and Denmark on this region, the locals-maintained confidence in their economic activities and beliefs that guide everyday life. The main economic activities for the Scanians included trade and agricultural practices.
The relatively large landscape and the peninsula provided the area with an advantage for traders from other European countries. Agricultural activities increased because of the large fields and arable land suitable for cash crops such as wheat, rapeseed, and livestock keeping.

The language used in Scania is Skåne and it is known to affect the dialect of all the Scandinavian countries because of the closeness and the history these countries share.
After Sweden took control of the Scania in 1700s, the people of Scania did not lose their language but instead they worked to preserve it for the purpose of future generations.
However, Skåne language is unique and has remained to be the treasure of the Scanians.
It is because the language gives them a unique dialect that makes them stand out from the rest of its neighbours.

Literature underscores the information provided in written material about the Scanian society from a historical perspective. Some prominent people in the Scanian society include authors such as Victoria Benedictsson who was vocal about cultural issue affecting the society.
Some of the issue the author pointed out included misrepresentation of women in essential areas of life that affected their productivity in the society. Birgitta Trotzig (1929-2011) from Gothenburg is another writer from Scania who provided a recap on the historic matters that affected the region such as the fight for the Scanian flag.
The author exposed the primitive nature of some people in the early church as the cause of human atrocities experienced in the region.

The art in Scania revolves around the types of textiles and fashion.
Some of the biggest milestones achieved in this sector include the Scanian Marriage Weavings that emerged around 1750 but after the time that they are famous, they started to fade away slowly.
The Scanian arts and fashion designs are almost similar to those of Roman, Byzantine and Asian.
The combination of designs from other countries too has given the region authentic fabric that has helped improve art.
The architectural designs in Scania are influenced by the Danish modes of building.